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Is it free?
The Online version of Space Ace is 100% free. The Download version lets you play up to 2 hours every day for free.
At this time, each version only lets you play other people using the same version. Because there are a lot more players on the Online Space Ace, we recommend all players to use the Online version.
Which is the best key to control the thrust?
It is strongly recommended that you use the LEFT CTRL (or SHIFT) to activate the thrust, as it is much more comfortable than the UP cursor key. Using LEFT CTRL (or SHIFT) will make you a better player, and feels much better. The only other two keys needed to play the game are LEFT/RIGHT cursor keys which will rotate your spaceship in those directions.
NEW! - Although we don't recommend it, you can enable/disable the UP cursor key on the Online version by pressing simultaneously 'Q' + 'W' during a game. The setting will be remembered between sessions. (This only works if you have Flash Player 9 or better, so upgrade if you don't)
How does the ranking work?
Your position within the ranking depends on the outcome of your last 50 matches. That number, though, can be higher if you repeatedly play the same person the same day. The value of those matches is reduced to avoid ranking distortions.
You earn points for each match that you win. That is, for each match in which you reach 5 rounds won before your opponent does, or if the other player retires before that happens. The better the opponent, the more points at stake.
There is a D3D8.DLL or DINPUT8.DLL file missing when I try to run your game... Where can I find it?
You need DirectX 8 or higher from Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/directx/ (free download)
When I run the game it loads to a black screen then reverts to the desktop. How can I fix it?
Go to Windows Update and update your video card driver if possible. If the problem persists please contact us via Feedback form stating your email address.
I have problems finding people to play with on the Ranking area. How can I solve this?
This of course will depend on how many people is playing at a specific time, especially those with a rank akin to yours, but it may also happen if your Network Settings on Space Ace are wrong.
Network Settings are auto-detected the first time you install Space Ace, and are based on the characteristics of your connection at that time. If those have changed since, you may need to adjust the settings.
Stating that you can act as a server when you actually can't receive incoming connections on the specified port (5672 by default) will result in other players unable to connect with you while you are waiting for them in practice mode.
When I try to install/run the game it says a problem is encountered in upd.exe. What should I do?
An older version of upd.exe had a problem which has already been fixed. If you have this problem redownload and reinstall Space Ace and everything should be fine.
If you have any other question please use our Feedback form